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- Date: 7 Jul 90 04:22:14 GMT
- From: philmtl!philabs!briar!rfc@uunet.uu.net (Robert Casey)
- Subject: Alinco DR510 Crossband Repeater Mod
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- copied from packet:
- Msg# TSF Size #Rd Date Time From MsgID To
- 29789 BF 4806 0 24-Jun 0021 N8KNJ 2111_KA3T MODS@NYNET ()
- Sb: Alinco DR-510 Cross-Band Rpt MOD
- DR-510 - Vehicular Extender Modification
- I discovered this modification the other day and wish to share it
- with other 510 owners, I did it and it works for me!
- I did not originate the modification and will NOT accept any
- responsibility for any damage the may occur as a result.
- (I won't myself. WA2ISE)
- How to do it
- 1. Remove bottom cover
- 2. Remove 2 Phillips screws at corners of subtone board
- (small board near center in front) and move the tone board out of
- the way.
- 3. Solder an 16V electrolytic capacitor
- (10MFD to 100MFD but best to use 40MFD to
- 50MFD) as follows:
- A. Neg (-) lead to pin 8 on device (IC) labeled - M54959P
- B. Pos (+) lead to pin 3, counting from left while facing front
- of transceiver of the white 11 pin connector.
- ANT Power cord
- -----------------Rear----------------------------
- l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l
- l M54959P l
- l_____________l (-)
- l l l l l l l l------47uF+
- /(+)
- /
- [][][][][][] [][][X][][][][][][][][]
- ------------------Front---------------------------
- 4. Remove top cover and faceplate of transceiver. Be careful of speaker wires!
- A. To remove faceplate:
- 1. Remove main dial knob and retaining nut.
- 2. Remove mic. socket retaining ring.
- 3. GENTLY lift tabs, located approximately 3/4" in from each side,
- on top of faceplate and "rotate" toward front of the transceiver.
- 4. When tabs are "free", turn transceiver over and repeat
- the process. Remember - gently!
- 5. Set free plate aside.
- 5. Locate surface monnt device labeled R-35 on control board
- (front of transceiver).
- A. R-35 is positioned between, and slightly below, the squelch and
- high/low power button. To the left of device R-35 is a "circle" trace.
- inside the "circle" trace are two solder pads, one of which is already
- soldered to R-35.
- 6. Bridge the unsoldered pad to the soldered pad inside the "circle" trace.
- 7. Short R-35
- ----------------------Top---------------------------------
- LCD (Vol) (Seq) [Power]
- (ll)- + [Hi/low]
- ^ ^
- l R-35
- l
- "circle" trace pads
- ----------------bottom------------------------------------
- 8. Replace faceplate, retaining nut, retaining ring, tone board,
- bottom and top of transceiver.
- Operation
- 1. Store different bands (2m or UHF) in VFO mode and Memory Channel 1-9.
- Any thing you can store in memory 1-9, split, subtone enc,
- subtone dec will work.
- 2. Store "DUAL" mode in VFO (Simplex) also it will accept subtone enc
- and subtone dec.
- 3. Turn power off and then keep pressing the REV key, turn on the power
- switch.
- 4. Audio Vol. control is your deviation control in repeater mode.
- 5. To return to normal operation turn off power then turn on again
- without pressing any keys.
- Notes:
- The transceiver scans back and forth between the VFO and Memory until
- it finds a signal then it locks on and transmits what it hears on the
- other band. This scanning causes a slight delay when keying up as the
- radio takes time to scan. I recommend the use of subtones when
- possible so that the radio will not key up on noise and not allow
- non-authorized personal to use your radio, the transmissions of which
- YOU are responsible.
- Good Luck, es 73's Rick N8KNJ
- Note: I haven't tried this, proceed at your own risk. WA2ISE
- ------------------------------
- Copied from the QRZ! Windows Ham Radio CDROM